Monday, January 29, 2007

WoW patch 2.0.6

Blizzard has let out the first patch from the moment of release TBC which has brought some amendments in balance and has eliminated about two tens mistakes.
The full list of changes can be found at the official forum, and all class innovations are described below:
- At unters skill " Silencing Shot " (puts 50 % of a loss of the weapon instead of 75 %) is modified, is weakened " Arcane Shot " and talents "Barrage" and " Improved Barrage "
-Each rank of talents of the magician " Improved Fireball " and " Improved Frostbolt " now lowers factor of a loss of spells on 2 %, "Counterspell" any more does not cause global cooldown, and " Mana Shield " henceforth absorbs also a magic loss (level with physical)
-the Loss of a spell of priests " Shadow Word: Pain " it was reduced approximately to 5 %

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Four new Wow Realms

Blizzard has opened four more American realms.They've been ranked to fighting group Emberstorm. All new realms belong to category PvE:

Moon Guard - RP PvE
Hydraxis - PvE
Quel'dorei - PvE
Mok'Nathal - PvE

By standard rules, the paid transfer on the set forth above servers will be accessible in 6 months.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

South Park: Make Love Not Warcraft

South Park: Make Love Not Warcraft - the best south park movie i've ever seen. Many jokes about players addicted to WoW. if you are wow player - you will understand them =)

Friday, January 5, 2007

WoW. Character transfer.

Blizzard has declared the next free-of-charge transfer of characters (from January, 4th till January, 9th) for four American World for Warcraft realms - Nazjatar, Baelgun, Alterac and Mountains Arygos (at this time on them it will be impossible to create new heroes).
Destination: Nazjatar - PVP, Pacific - Shadowburn Battlegroup

* Daggerspine
* Illidan
* Destromath
* Spinebreaker
* Mal'Ganis

Destination: Baelgun - PVE, Pacific - Shadowburn Battlegroup

* Garona
* Blackhand
* Greymane
* Alleria
* Anvilmar

Destination: Alterac Mountains - PVP, Eastern - Nightfall Battlegroup

* Warsong
* Skullcrusher
* Burning Blade
* Executus
* Kel'Thuzad

Destination: Arygos - PVE, Eastern - Nightfall Battlegroup

* Durotan
* Eonar
* Draka
* Duskwood
* Icecrown

Info by WoW forums

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

World of Warcraft. The Burning Crusade goes gold!

Good news for gamers who are afraid that TBC release will be delayed by Blizzard. You should not worry. The Burning Crusade has gone gold. Its occurrence will take place in sale according to earlier announced date - on the 16-th of January.
More information you can find on official WoW forums (information by Blizzard managers)