Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Burning Crusade. New hairdresses.

Just one day till the New 2007 Year! Gamers of all the world are waiting for the 16 January. This day will be the start of new WoW's wave. We've heard many interesting facts about The Burning Crusade expansion, but new facts appear every day.
German site WoW Exposed has lead photo session with participation of representatives of new races (Bloody elves and Draeneis). After studying mentioned below pictures, you'll learn about the most fashionable among inhabitants of WoW hairdresses (all of them will be accessible at creation of the character)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Enter the World of Warcraft with my "Guest pass key"

Who wants to enter WoW with my guest pass key? Of course you can get your key on the official site but it is not interesting way to begin playing =) This photo I've made five minutes ago specially for the readers of this blog. Enter the World of Warcraft...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

World of Warcraft. Undocumented changes of 2.0.3 patch.

One of the players of the test World of Warcraft server has shared with the public the description of undocumented changes of a patch 2.0.3. As it has appeared, Blizzard has held back many essential corrections and innovations. For example:

-in Stormwind and Orgrimmar have appeared vendors, selling PvP awards of 70-th level.

-Cost of training of driving on epic mounts has decreased up to 540 gold when your reputation status is Honored.

-the base charge of mana for all skills has been decreased.

Smiths now can replace their specialization in Ironforfe and Orgrimmar for 50 gold.

At prompting the cursor on attribute Spirit the information on rates of mana and life regeneration is deduced.

-The fighting master for Eye of the Storm battleground is added.

All information:

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

World of Warcraft. new free routs for characters transfer

The representative of the Blizzard has informed on the beginning of a new stage of a free-of-charge transfer of characters on American World of Warcraft servers. This time users will be allowed to carry out their characters on following "routes":

- Bronzebeard --> Hyjal

- Aggramar --> Kael"thas
- Alexstrasza --> Muradin
- Thrall --> Norgannon
- Gnomeregan --> Kilrogg
- Warsong --> Dentarg
- Aerie Peak --> Uther

This stage of transfer will be finished on Friday.

You can read about paid character transfer here:
To make a payment you will need to use you credit card.
FAQ: Credit cards

Monday, December 25, 2006

World of Warcraft. TBC fishing guide!

Fans of WoW. Today you can find the new guide for you favorite game. It is The Burning Crusade fishing guide (posted on forums of World of Raids). People who will buy the expansion to World of Warcraft will have a chance to improve their skill of fishing! It will help them to make really interesting and valuable catches.

Some facts from guide:
-you will need much time to improve your fishing skill till 375. For every point since 300 you will need to make 8-12 catches.

- you can catch Goldenscale Vendorfish - Rare, random, open-water fish that you can vendor for a quick 6 gold.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

World of Warcraft. The Burning Crusade. Screenshots

Now it is not a problem to find screenshots of new World of Warcraft extension. Galleries are updated regularly and can be found on:

Saturday, December 23, 2006

How to get 60 lvl? One of the fastest ways.

There are different types of getting experience in this game. Some players prefer role playing. They try to complete all possible quests, they look for different secrets in all corners of WoW. Other type of players - people who don't like to waste time. Special for such players - videos made by some man who really knows the great way of getting 60 lvl in short time.

Video lessons for Horde.

Levels 1-6 -> Durotar
Levels 6-13 -> Durotar )
Levels 13-15 -> Barrens
Level 15 -> Stonetalon Mountains
Levels 15-20 -> Barrens
Levels 20-21 -> Stonetalon Mountains
Levels 21-22 -> Ashenvale
Levels 22-23 -> Southern Barrens
Levels 23-25 -> Stonetalon Mountains
Levels 25-26 -> Thousand Needles
Levels 26-27 -> Ashenvale
Levels 27-29 -> Thousand Needles
Level 30 -> Alterac Mountains
Level 30 -> Arathi Highlands
Levels 31 -> Stranglethorn Vale
Levels 32-34 -> Desolace
Levels 34-35 -> Stranglethorn Vale
Levels 36-37 -> Arathi Highlands
Level 37 -> Shimmering Flats
Levels 37-38 -> Dustwallow Mrash
Levels 38-40 -> Stranglethorn Vale
Levels 40-41 -> Badlands
Levels 41-42 -> Swamp of Sorrows
Levels 42-43 -> Stranglethorn Vale
Level 43 -> Desolace
Level 43 -> Dustwallow Mrash
Levels 43-44 -> Tanaris
Levels 44-46 -> Feralas
Level 46 -> Azshara
Levels 46-47 -> Hinterlands
Level 47 -> Stranglethorn Vale
Levels 47-48 -> Searing Gorge
Level 48 -> Swamp of Sorrows
Levels 48-49 -> Feralas
Levels 49-50 -> Tanaris
Level 50 -> Azshara
Level 50 -> Hinterlands
Levels 50-51 -> Blasted Lands
Levels 51-52 -> Un' Goro Crater
Levels 52-53 -> Burning Steppes
Levels 53-54 -> Azshara
Level 54 -> Felwood
Level 54 -> Winterspring
Level 54-55 -> Felwood
Level 55 -> Silithus
Levels 55-56 -> Western Plaguelands
Levels 56-57 -> Eastern Plaguelands
Levels 57-58 -> Western Plaguelands
Levels 58-59 -> Winterspring
Levels 59-60 -> DING!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Closed accounts. Last news

The official web site of WoW made a report on closed accounts. More than 105,000 accounts were closed and over 12 million gold was removed from the game economies in Europe, Korea, and the US in the month of November. This fantastic numbers show to players, that cheating is not a good way to get glory in this game. I suggest you to share the opinion of Blizzard like I do. No doubt that it can be interesting to use cheats, bots and etc. but people who do it make imba in this game and risk to lose their accounts. Be honest to get real satisfaction of the gaming process.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Gnomish crusade

After demonstration of the preview trailer to the "World Of Warcraft. The Burning Crusade " the international society of gnomes was shocked by non-inclusion of gnomes in this trailer. In response they've made they one trailer with only one race - Gnomes. You can watch this video on and YouTube

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

FAQ: Credit cards. All about payment for the world of warcraft.

Here I want to mention some important questions about the game payment.

Why the credit card is necessary to me?
You need a credit card to pay for your account. Also it is required for game registration if you don't want to have problems in future.

Is it better than a time-card?
Yes, this way is cheaper and more conveniently. You need only to put the number of your card in your account settings. All other operations are automatic.

How can be money removed from my credit card?
They can be removed automatic. You need only to choose the period of removing money.

How much should I pay with the credit card for a one game month?
It depends on the periodicity that you've been chosen.
1 month: $14.99 for a month
3 months: $13.99 for a month
6 месяцев: $12.99 for a month
+ %. depends on your bank

What can happen If i don't have any money on my credit card?
If you don't have any money when you need to pay, your account will be blocked. Blizzard will unblock it if you have money on credit card.

Can I stop my payments for sometime?
Yes, in account settings choose ”Change Subscription”, then ”Cancel recurring subscription plan”.

What cards can I use?
The most convenient: MasterCard Virtual или Visa Virtual. You can't use Visa Electron and MasterCard Cirrus/Maestro.

This are the most important questions from my point of view. If I have some mistakes or if it is important to add something - let me know by comments.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Main information about addons. "One bag" addon.

Addons help you to feel absolutely satisfacted with the gaming process.

What addons are allowed by Blizzard?

Every ace-based addon is allowed. Ace is a special system for building addons. More on

What are the most interesting and useful addons?
It is difficult to answer this question because of the wide choice. And don't forget - tastes differ. In this blog I'll have a special column devoted to most popular addons. Here you can read about one of them.

OneBag - One bag to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them. I've been using this my first minutes in WoW. Helps in navigation with bags very much. You can also download - OneBank, Onering, Oneview.
All addons -

Monday, December 18, 2006

How to get 200% exp from each monster?

This is one of the most popular questions between new players. It is not a very big problem to get this information and it is not a secret. You need just to open the "Game manual". Here I'll try to mention all information written there in a few words.

If you want to get 200% exp you need to be rested. Only when you feel rested you can see a special rest state marker on your experience bar. There are specials zones where you can gain rest state: inns, six capital cities, wilderness. Rest state can be accumulated when your character is standing in an inn (capital city), logged out from inn (capital city) or logged out from wilderness.
The longer you are offline, the greater you rest. To get maximum rest bonus (1,5 experience bars) you need to be logged out for more than a week. So if you are going to leave game for a long period don't forget about logging out from good places. More actual on high levels.

The Burning Crusade.

It is not a secret that Blizzard is going to produce the expansion - World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. It will be in stores on January 16, 2007.
First question that is interesting to everyone - price.
Retail price:
$39.99 - Simple edition.
$69.99 - special Collector's Edition.
The expansion also requires
the original World of Warcraft game. Suggested price for it is $19.99 now.

New features:
- level cap is increased to 70. (As I've heard the experience needed to achieve 60-70 is equal to exp from 1-60 )
- two new races: the Blood elves and the Draenei.
- new territories: continent, cities, dungeons, pvp arena, the battleground.
- new profession: jewelcrafting.
- new unique mounts.
- hundreds of monsters, quests, items.
- many other surprises for WoW gamers.

More info:
Preview trailer (49 mb):

Let's make a conclusion. I'm fully confident that expansion will have a great success in spite of high price. Let's wait and see.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Exploring the world. New experience in quests.

I like wow for its wide choice of quests. In this game you get experience not only in killing monsters but in quests too. Many NPC's are situating practically every where and are ready to give you the task of new adventure and after completing it they give you money, exp and different useful items or quest skills. Talk to the first NPC in the newbie location and start your own adventures.
Completing quests may often be a little problem if you can't find the place that is needed. That's why there are many sites or databases in web with the descriptions of different quests. I've chosen (direct link Using it is very simple. You need just remember the name of quests and fill it in form (in quest window). Then you will be given an info about quests: start and finish places, mobs to kill and their locations, items to get. Be ready to use it often because it can really help you.

First time in WoW

In my opinion it is not very big problem to get a success in online games. But to do it you will need to read many different information forums and sites on topic. Without exploring game mechanics and all game abilities you will have many difficulties. That's why I recommend you not to be lazy and read as more different information as you can.

First time in WoW

1. Choosing the realm.
I prefer PVP realms with high population. Wow has ery good PVP system and it is the good reason to choose PVP realm. Population is very important to. Don't forget about huge size of the World. But you should understand that in overcrowded realm you'll need to queue. This lin can help you

2. Choosing the side. Horde or Alliance.
It is your own choise. I ' ve chosen the same side as my friends because of the PVP realm. Another way to choose the side - comparing with races included.

3. Races.

Night Elves

Racial Traits are very important in choosing race. Don't choose race only because of apperiance.
The description of all possible races:

4. Start playing.
After this manipulations you need only to choose your appearance. Than you can enter the World of Warcraft. I wish you good gaming time.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

On-line gaming. Why do people spend time in such way?

Every day many people all over the world start to play on-line games. This type of spending time attracts their attention because of the fantastic abilities they can get in imaginary realms. Exploring new worlds, finding friends, trading , killing monsters - this makes gamers to feel absolutely free. Nowadays games become more and more beautiful in graphics and they are getting closer to reality. Can you just imagine web gaming industry of the future? I think it's impossible.
About two years ago I entered the world of Ragnarok online. It was the first on-line game i tried to participate in. Two years - good period to get known well with the mechanics and all secrets of RO. In my opinion there is only one bad side - gaming takes too much time but we should take control of ourselves not to forget about our real life. This Spring I had to leave the game. Russian official server has very bad service (beta test for 1.5 years with bugs and errors). Summer without computer (only icq) was very nice, but i'm fond of various life. That's why I've returned to the online games.
World of Warcraft is my new choice. Incredible game of famous company Blizzard. I think that Blizzard can't make bad games, all games made by them are masterpieces. WoW is not the exclusion.Firstly I got started with the trial version (10 days free game on the official server). It took me 2 hours to make conclusion that I need to buy DVD box with the key. Now I'm very interested in this game and can advise this to everyone.
The aim of this blog - getting known with WoW step by step (with me). I have big experience in this area and that's why it will be not slow process. Here you will see info about addons, new quests, plugins , different FAQ's and other info about WoW. Let's get known with this game together